What is IMEI Number?
IMEI Number(INTERNATIONAL MOBILE EQUIPMENT IDENTITY) is 5 or 17 digit unique number to identify mobile devices, as well as some other devices.
How to Find IMEI Number
1.By dialing the universal code *#06# in your mobile to find the IMEI number. You need not to press the call or send button, just type the code in your mobile.
2.In iPhone, IMEI number will be engraved on the back of the phone. In older iPhones IMEI number will be printed in the SIM tray.
3.Another method is, go to settings and open general and select about option. Tap IMEI option in the “About” and a message will display showing the IMEI number.
4.In Android phones, go to “Settings” and tap on the “About Phone” option. Then tap “Status” and scroll down till you see the IMEI number.
5.Another way is to look under the battery of your phone. Before removing battery, power down your phone to avoid data loss or apps from being corrupted.>
6.Look into the package box in which EMEI number is listed with the barcode and the serial number.