Every vehicle must have registered with RTO and registered number will be displayed in number plate in front and back side of the vehicle. There is a meaning behind the color of the number plate and color of the letter we wrote in the plate.
1. White Board:
Vehicles for self use such as cars or two wheeler called as white board vehicles and those vehicles number plate background would be white and number is written in black.
2. Yellow Board:
Commercial vehicles number plate background would be yellow and letters is written in black. ex(bus,taxes,truck,lorries)
3. Black board:
Commercial vehicle available for rent for self driving which has black background and numbers written in yellow letters.
4. Blue board:
consulates cars would have light blue background and numbers written in white colors.
5.Red board:
President and governors of India travels without licence plate.But there will be emblem in gold on red color board.
Nice post.