Inflation Rate History in India

Inflation rate in India has many up's and downs for last 50 years. Find the below table show the history of inflation rates in India.

Year Rate
2014 5.86 %
2013 9.13 %
2012 11.17 %
2011 6.49 %
2010 9.47 %
2009 14.97 %
2008 9.70 %
2007 5.51 %
2006 6.53 %
2005 5.57 %
2004 3.78 %
2003 3.72 %
2002 3.20 %
2001 5.16 %
2000 3.48 %
1999 0.47 %
1998 15.32 %
1997 6.29 %
1996 10.41 %
1995 9.69 %
1994 9.47 %
1993 8.64 %
1992 8.00 %
1991 13.07 %
1990 13.71 %
1989 5.42 %
1988 8.79 %
1987 9.31 %
1986 9.21 %
1985 7.14 %
1984 5.19 %
1983 12.46 %
1982 8.05 %
1981 12.73 %
1980 9.09 %
1979 11.70 %
1978 1.51 %
1977 7.86 %
1976 0.00 %
1975 -6.18 %
1974 25.40 %
1973 23.81 %
1972 7.66 %
1971 4.89 %
1970 5.01 %
1969 3.54 %
1968 -2.23 %
1967 8.60 %
1966 13.94 %
1965 5.49 %
1964 17.01 %
1963 6.87 %
1962 2.48 %
1961 3.21 %
19600.00 %

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