In India govt has provided some common numbers in case of emergency. This numbers can be called without any charge and even with out network available in your mobile. Based on the locality your calling it will be transferred to nearest help centers. We have following emergency numbers as of now.
Police - 100
Fire -101
Ambulance - 102 and 108
Since this all three different numbers telecom authority of India(TRAI) recommended single numbers for all these service. They selected 112 as common numbers to avail all the emergency help.Soon this number will be implemented. After this 112 called as primary numbers and previous emergency numbers considers to be secondary number. Even if we call to secondary number it will redirected to primary number.
Police - 100
Fire -101
Ambulance - 102 and 108
Since this all three different numbers telecom authority of India(TRAI) recommended single numbers for all these service. They selected 112 as common numbers to avail all the emergency help.Soon this number will be implemented. After this 112 called as primary numbers and previous emergency numbers considers to be secondary number. Even if we call to secondary number it will redirected to primary number.