What is caveat petition?

In the applications of Caveat petition, requests are made to the court by people who has valid interests in cases related to a specific person and organizations' case. The application requests the court that no order should be passed against the concerned person or organization without giving you a prior notice. The caveat petition also states that the court should listen to your side of the story as well before giving the final verdict of the case. This petition is usually filed by people who have strong evidence against the specified person or organization. The petition remains valid only for a time period of 90 days. During these 90 days, if no case gets filed, it is mandatory that you should file a new and fresh caveat petition in the court. It is the section 148-A of the code of civil procedure that provides options for filing a caveat petition.

Objective of Caveat petition:

The caveat petitions are for protecting the interests of the person who filed the petition. The caveat helps in avoiding multiple number of proceedings. The petition also signifies that no ex-parte orders can be passed against the person who has lodged the petition of caveat. Thus this petition saves time of court as well.

Caveat Form:

There is no form that has been described by the caveat so far. The caveat needs to be filed in the form of a petition or an application to the court. The cause of action needs to be mentioned in the petition along with the name and full details of the opponent. A copy of the caveat is also needed to be sent to the opponent party before filing the same in court. The caveat can be filed only with the objective of opposing the person. A person or an organization cannot be supported by the caveat petition.


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