Whastapp is widely used by people across the globe as it allows people to communicate easily. There are many things who can do with whatsapp and many of you are not aware of it.
Here is a list of all the things you probably don't know you can do on whatsapp:
Disabling the last seen:
The last Seen feature of whatsapp proved to a disaster as it went on to ruin relationships and friendships. Now it is possible to disable the last seen. You can do so by visiting the privacy where you can change the "Last Seen" to nobody.
Disabling those blue ticks:
Those blue ticks were another disaster of Whatsapp and yo can disable it. Go to Privacy section under Account in Settings. There is a box which reads Read Receipts. Uncheck the box for disabling those blue ticks.
Creating shortcuts for conversations:
If you want to create shortcuts for talking to specific people, you can do so by pressing on their name for a long time. Select "Add Chat shortcut" for creating a short cut on the desktop of phone.
You can now view when your messages were read:
Though the messages show a single tick, you can still know whether the receiver of message has read the message. To do so, long press of the message and as you select the Info option, you can see whether your message has been read.
Send a location to your friends:
If you want to send your exact location to your friends, you can do so by sending your location via whatsapp.
Setting custom notification tones for various chats:
You can set a custom notification tone by clicking on the options button at the top left of the chat. As you go to view contact/group info, go to custom notification for making the required changes.
Save your save your mobile data:
Whatsapp now allows you to save mobile data as well. To enable the same, go to the Data usage section in the Settings. At the extreme bottom, you will find an option that reads low data usage. Check the box.
Tie whatsapp to your number:
You can bookmark the messages by long pressing them and then clicking on the star icon. When you want to find them again, you need to go to the settings and click on starred messages.
Using WhatsApp on internet browser:
As you open the browser of WhatsApp Web page, a QR code will prompt. You need to go to Settings on your whatsapp account. Choose the option for Whatsapp Web after which scan the code . You can start chating now on your computer.
Replying to messages without opening the chat:
To start with it, go to settings and click on notifications. You will get the pop up options. Choose the option "Always show popup". Now when a new messge will come, a pop up will appear and you can type in the reply in the pop up.