In India many high posting govt jobs are selected through public service commission examinations. Most of us know only IAS and IPS are the highest govt jobs but there are many jobs in different field. All these jobs requires minimum qualification of bachelor degree in any stream.
1 | IAS - Indian Administrative Service |
2 | IPS - Indian Police Service |
3 | IFS - Indian Foreign Service |
4 | IFS - Indian Forest Service |
5 | IRS - Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax ) |
6 | IRS - Indian Revenue Service ( Customs & Central Excise ) |
7 | IAAS - Indian Audit and Accounts Service |
8 | ICAS - Indian Civil Accounts Service |
9 | ICLS - Indian Corporate Law Service |
10 | IDAS - Indian Defence Accounts Service |
11 | IDES - Indian Defence Estate Service |
12 | IIS - Indian Information Service |
13 | IPTAS - Indian Post & Telecom Accounts Service |
14 | IPS - Indian Postal Service |
15 | IRAS - Indian Railway Accounts Service |
16 | IRTS - Indian Railway Traffics Service |
17 | ITS - Indian Trade Service |
18 | IRPFS - Indian Railway Protection Force Service |
19 | IRPS - Indian Railway Personal Service |