In Karnataka all police stations are centralized and if we raised any complaints first we need to look for FIR copy. So generally we need to go the police station and get the copy of the FIR. They put police officer signature by sealed true copy.
In case if you need additional copy this can downloaded through online by following below instruction. This option is available across Karnataka. Click on below link
1. Select District
2. Select Police station range
3. Enter FIR nmber. No need to enter the year in the after /
4. Select the year
5. Enter the validate text properly and click on search.
Once record is found we can see below option to download the FIR copy as PDF.
In case if you need additional copy this can downloaded through online by following below instruction. This option is available across Karnataka. Click on below link
1. Select District
2. Select Police station range
3. Enter FIR nmber. No need to enter the year in the after /
4. Select the year
5. Enter the validate text properly and click on search.
Once record is found we can see below option to download the FIR copy as PDF.
It would be more helpful if u post for all the states in India...
ReplyDeleteExactly what I am looking for,Found Helpful Thanks you
ReplyDeleteUnable to find 2003 case fir copy
ReplyDeletePlease try again..Since slowly uploaded everything online
Deletemuch useful one
ReplyDeleteI am not able find my FIR 4429. Please help or else it would be of no use. I need the copy to fill the dispute by June 12, 2019.