Travelling from pollachi to coimbatore through bus become difficult for the regular passengers,because of rush and bus fare.So government launched train facility for the passengers between pollachi to coimbatore with less travelling cost and time.
Train timings between cbe to pollachi details as follow
Train timings between pollachi to cbe details as follow:
Pollachi | Kinathukadavu | Pothanur | Coimbatore |
7.15 A.M | 7.45 A.M | 8.15 A.M | 8.30 A.M |
12.25 P.M | 12.54 P.M | 1.25 P.M | 2.00 P.M |
7.45 P.M | 8.15 P.M | 8.45 P.M | 9.00 P.M |
Train timings between cbe to pollachi details as follow
Coimbatore | Pothanur | Kinathukadavu | Pollachi |
5.15 A.M | 5.30 A.M | 6.05 A.M | 6.30 A.M |
1.45 P.M | 1.59 P.M | 2.29 P.M | 3.05 P.M |
6.00 P.M | 6.15 P.M | 6.45 P.M | 7.15 P.M |
- Completely free for school and college students(they have to get a certificate from respective school and college)
- Season ticket is available for 3 months with cost of Rs 370.